SYSC326 assists clients with loss events or risk response. We aim to minimise business disruption when: (i) identifying person(s) responsible; (ii) recommending control enhancement; and (iii) supporting the recovery and/or tracing of misappropriated assets.
Investigations should be conducted with care, via justifiable action(s), particularly if open to challenge by a court or tribunal.
Investigations involve inter-related activity, such as due diligence on individuals or organisations, or responding to allegations or suspicion.
Consideration should be afforded to obtaining legal advice and specialist support at the outset of investigation planning.
Senior management oversight is key to ensure clarity of objective, 'who does what', and for on-going monitoring of progress and deliverables.
The objective should consider how findings will (or might) be used (e.g. internal disciplinary, referral to police, notifying a regulator or in civil proceedings).
SYSC326 provides fact-based reports of findings, with options / recommendations for pragmatic 'next steps' activity.
Investigations should aim to identify persons responsible for an incident/loss event, plus any contributory control weakness or systems over-ride.
Stakeholders and regulators may want to know how outcomes influenced change in existing controls, to reduce the risk of (or prevent) recurrence.
Our associates include experienced Heads' of Financial Crime and other specialists accustomed to investigating loss events, allegations or suspicions.