SYSC326 assists clients to identify and assess fraud risk in internal business process and the operating environment. Investigating loss events and tracing assets misappropriated through fraud or other impropriety. Independence, objectivity and experience when responding to fraud issues.
Senior management is responsible for safeguarding company assets and taking reasonable steps to prevent/detect fraud.
The level of resource to apply is influenced by risk-appetite and whether current controls are sufficient to mitigate fraud risk.
We assist clients to assess existing fraud controls and, to identify and implement 'reasonable' measures.
The Financial Conduct Authority ('FCA') expects senior management to consider the implications and breadth of fraud risk.
The cost of fraud is not only a 'bottom-line' issue. Regulators expect firms to maintain appropriate systems and controls.
We assist clients to comply with regulatory expectations for fraud, error or irregularity (e.g. per FCA Handbook - SUP 15.3.17).
Senior Management, Audit Committees and Regulators expect fact-based findings on fraud risk and loss events.
Stakeholder confidence may be impacted if an identifiable control weakness is not addressed and further fraud occurs.
SYSC326 investigates fraud and advises clients on fraud risk, aligned to loss prevention, asset protection and incident response.