Due Diligence

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SYSC326 assists clients to identify and assess gap or anomaly, which might indicate fraud or other risk. We conduct fact-finding and investigative research to produce an independent report of findings and observations.

Identifying red-flags enables investors and senior management to be better informed to respond to the risk of fraud, bribery or other impropriety.

Failing to address identifiable risk could impact a business relationship, investment portfolio, stakeholder confidence or regulatory relationship.

SYSC326 advise clients on targeting due diligence towards identifying and addressing material risk or red-flag, avoiding 'scatter-gun' research.

Vetting candidates for employment or third party vendors and suppliers, to reduce risk of unknowingly entering into high risk relationships. 

Pre-employment or pre-contract checks help reduce the risk of employing the wrong person, or prejudicing the company's supply chain.

We assist clients to reduce likelihood of unwittingly conducting business with those who are (or have been) involved in fraud or other corrupt activity.

Regulated firms must take reasonable care to ensure that employees who perform a ‘significant harm function’ are certified (by the firm), as fit and proper to do so.

Adopting a consistent approach to vetting, using proforma questionnaires and/or interviews, can be useful tools to assure or validate an individual's credentials and standing.

We are accustomed to researching people and credentials to identify anomaly, or lack of transparency - which might otherwise lead to a client encountering unforseen risk. 

Our Services
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Useful links
​The Fraud Advisory Panel​
Ministry of Justice

Transparency International

International Chamber of Commerce

FCA Guidance

CIPD Factsheet

FAQ on Due Diligence